Martin Sigal is a worldwide award-winning photographer and director. His images combine a human element with a touch of the surreal, always with impeccable lighting and composition. "I am grateful to photography because it allows me to explore a world that blends fiction and reality, and portraying that duality provides a constant and fascinating challenge," says Martin. Among his recent large-scale assignments he was chosen by Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority and by the Argentinean Department of Tourism to photograph their worldwide tourism campaigns. Martin's work has been honored by the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, Clios, D&AD, FIAP, Kelly Awards, and Circulo de Creativos, among others, and has been featured in the Communication Arts Photography Annuals as well as in Lurzer's Archive, which has named him one of the "200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide."
Selected Awards and Photo Annuals:
2021/22 Luerzer's Archive 200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide
2018/19 Luerzer's Archive 200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide
2016/17 Luerzer's Archive 200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide
2014/15 Luerzer's Archive 200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide
2012/13 Luerzer's Archive 200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide
2010/11 Luerzer's Archive 200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide
2008/09 Luerzer's Archive 200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide
2006/07 Luerzer's Archive 200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide
2004/05 Luerzer's Archive 200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide
2015 Cannes Lions Silver - Tide - Del Campo Saatchi & Saatchi
2013 Cannes Lions Silver - Canon - JWT Mexico
2009 Cannes Lions Gold - Axe - Ponce Buenos Aires
2007 Cannes Lions Grand Prix - Axe - Vega Olmos Ponce
2004 Cannes Lions Bronze- Nike - BBDO Argentina
2004 Cannes Lions Bronze- Nike - BBDO Argentina
2004 Cannes Lions Bronze- Nike - BBDO Argentina
2009 Clio Silver - Axe - Ponce Buenos Aires
2007 Grand Clio in Innovative Media - Participation as photographer - Nike - (Barrio Bonito) BBDO Argentina
2005 Clio Bronze - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2003 Clio Bronze - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2008 FIAP Bronze - Fiat - Leo Burnett Argentina
2007 FIAP Gold - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2006 FIAP Bronze - Sprite - Ogilvy & Mather Argentina
2006 FIAP Bronze - Sprite - Ogilvy & Mather Argentina
2005 FIAP Finalist -Telefonica - Y&R Argentina
2004 FIAP Silver - Arnet - BBDO Argentina
2004 FIAP Silver - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2004 FIAP Silver - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2004 FIAP Silver - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2004 FIAP Silver - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2004 FIAP Bronce - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2004 FIAP Bronce - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2004 FIAP Bronce - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2003 FIAP Silver - Tulipan - Y&R Argentina
2003 FIAP Bronze - Tulipan - Y&R Argentina
2003 FIAP Bronze - Tulipan - Y&R Argentina
2015 Latin American Fotografía & Ilustración
2010 Faces Contest - Finalist Celebrity - Editorial Portraits
Eddie Falco as Nurse Jackie.
Communication Arts
2007 - Nike - Award of excellence
Advertising Photography
48th Annual Photography - BBDO Argentina
2004 - Nike - 45th Advertising Annual Photography
BBDO Argentina
Creative Argentine Circle
2009 Gold - Ford - JWT
2009 Bronze - Ford - JWT
2008 Gold - Axe - Ponce Buenos Aires
2008 Silver - Axe - Ponce Buenos Aires
2007 Silver - Susuki - Craverolanis
2007 Silver - Susuki - Craverolanis
2006 Gold - MEF - BBDO Argentina
2006 Silver - MEF - BBDO Argentina
2006 Gold - Axe - Vega Olmos Ponce
2006 Gold - Axe - Vega Olmos Ponce
2006 Silver - Axe - Vega Olmos Ponce
2006 Silver - Axe - Vega Olmos Ponce
2006 Gold - Sprite - Ogilvy & Mather Argentina
2006 Gold - Sprite - Ogilvy & Mather Argentina
2006 Gold - Grand Prix - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2006 Gold - Chevrolet Astra - MacCann Erickson Argentina
2006 Gold - Chevrolet Astra - MacCann Erickson Argentina
2006 Silver - Rexona - Vega Olmos Ponce
2006 Gold - Rexona - Vega Olmos Ponce
2006 Gold - Rexona - Vega Olmos Ponce
2006 Silver - Rexona - Vega Olmos Ponce
2006 Gold - Axe - Vega Olmos Ponce
2006 Silver - Sprite - Ogilvy & Mather Argentina
2006 Silver - Personal - Craverolanis
2006 Silver - Mastercard - MacCann Erickson
2006 Gold - Sprite - Ogilvy & Mather Argentina
2005 Bronze - Telecom - BBDO Argentina
2005 Bronze - Telecom - BBDO Argentina
2005 Bronze - Telecom - BBDO Argentina
2004 Bronze - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2004 Bronze - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2004 Bronze - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2004 Bronze - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2004 Bronze - Arnet - BBDO Argentina
2004 Silver- Nike - BBDO Argentina
2004 Silver- Nike - BBDO Argentina
2004 Gold - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2004 Gold - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2004 Gold - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2004 Gold - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2004 Gold - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2004 Gold - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2004 Gold - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2004 Grand Prix - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2003 Bronze - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2003 Silver - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2003 Silver - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2003 Silver - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2003 Silver - Sancor - BBDO Argentina
2003 Gold - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2003 Gold - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2003 Gold - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2003 Gold - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2003 Gold - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2003 Gold - Nike - BBDO Argentina
2003 Grand Prix - Nike - BBDO Argentina
among others...